Both SHS and WHS took time recently to recognize some of their alumni for outstanding accomplishments. On Friday night, October 25, the Dukes introduced the Class of 2019-2020 Windsor High/Georgie D. Tyler High Alumni Hall of Fame. The purpose of the award is to honor graduates from both of the Windsor schools, who have made their Alma Mater proud through career, community, military, and or/philanthropic accomplishments.
The inductees included Carla Duck, and Mr. and Mrs. Drake. Carla is a 1983 graduate
of Windsor High School. Carla was an employee of Isle of Wight County
Public in the technology department, at Central Office, and as an ISS
coordinator at WHS. She is a member of Chapel Grove Faith
Community Church. She spends much of her time serving others through meal
preparation for those in need in the local community and visiting those that
are house bound. Linda
and Jerry Drake are 1971 graduates of Windsor High School. Mr.
Drake retired from Union Camp and Mrs. Drake currently serves as a school bus driver for Isle of Wight County Schools. They are
faithful supporters of every program at Windsor High School and have served as ticket takers at WHS
events for the last 25 years. The Drakes serve as the unofficial hospitality committee: sharing a
story and a smile with all members of the Dukes family on multiple nights a week.
That same night, Smithfield High recognized members of the 1969 undefeated football team, along with members from earlier undefeated Westside High football teams. In 1969, Isle of Wight County Schools integrated and students from the all-black Westside High moved to SHS. There were vocal groups throughout Smithfield who worried about the impact of desegregation. The young men who played on the football team that year rallied the community as they continued winning game after game, finishing their season a perfect 10-0. The members of that team helped to ease concerns and brought people together as they sat with each other in the stands and rooted for the Packers.
Both Windsor High and Smithfield High have a rich history within the county, but we must also remember the other high schools that were part of this county that live on in the names of some of our current schools--Westside High School and Georgie D. Tyler High School. One of the things I have seen from our emphasis on deeper learning and authentic experiences has been more connections with the community. The recent recognitions at both high schools are excellent examples of making those connections and honoring those who are forever a Duke or a Packer.