Friday, March 29, 2019

Spread the Word about CTE

I have highlighted our CTE (Career and Technical Education) program in several of my recent blogs—ribbon cuttings for the Land Lab and Career Building, and Building Trades renovating a home for a senior citizens.  Agriculture and Building Trades, along with Nursing, Culinary Arts, Welding and Cosmetology are our double-blocked CTE classes and are open to students from both high schools.  In addition to the blogs, we have tried to share information about the programs with the community through special events at Windsor and Smithfield high schools.  There are two new events that have just been added to the schedule—a Community Open House on May 8 at the Land Lab and May 15 at the Career Building. Both will be from 5:00—6:30pm.  Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information.

I still wanted a way to share information on these CTE programs that would reach even more students, parents, and the community.  I am excited, and proud, to reveal our CTE Profiles, a series of 1 minute videos that highlight each of these programs.  David Elliott, our Coordinator of Educational Technologies and Communications, has done incredible work on these videos.  These are not boring infomercials.  They are high energy and are guaranteed to keep your attention.  The links to the videos are below.  Just watch one and you will be hooked.  All of them are posted on the IWCS YouTube channel.  Please watch, like, and share them to help spread the word about these amazing opportunities we are providing our students.