Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Education Foundation Puts the "Fun" in Fundraising

On Saturday, October 20, the Education Foundation for Isle of Wight Public Schools held their annual Fall Gala.  The event started in 2007, 3 years after the Foundation was chartered as a 501(c) (3) non-profit.  It was a way to raise money to fund grants for innovative teacher projects.  Silent and Live auction items, along with sponsorships, contributed to the profits generated from the Gala. Because of the hard work of the Foundation board members, the organization has been able to fund over $500,000 in classroom grants. 

This year the organization gave the Gala a makeover and it became School House Rocks, with an 80’s theme, complete with the always exciting cover band The Deloreans.  If you weren’t there, you really missed out.  You missed out on the fun.  You missed out on incredible food provided by Smithfield Station.  You missed out on seeing quite a few of our staff members in crazy 1980’s costumes.  You missed out on some impressive auction items (Beach Vacations, Dinners, Firehouse Birthday Parties).

But you really missed out on helping to fund a teacher’s project.  Each year, the Foundation receives a stack of grant applications from our teachers.  And each year the Foundation has to make the difficult decision on which ones to fund with the money they have raised.  There are always more requests than funding.  There is still a way to contribute to the Foundation.  Just click on the link below and donate on their website.  You can have a direct impact on our students through your generosity.  You can also see the list of grants that were funded last year and pictures of some of the grants in action:

As usual, the Foundation put on another exceptional event, with the goal of supporting and enhancing an exemplary educational experience for all students in Isle of Wight Public Schools. If you weren’t able to attend, I hope you will join us next year.  You will not be disappointed.