Sunday, November 20, 2016


No, this isn't the latest educational acronym.  It's a Twitter hashtag several of our schools have started using that stands for "I See 5 C's".  In my last blog, I wrote about the 5 C's and the importance of incorporating them into the classroom.  Many of our teachers are testing the waters this year with lessons, activities and projects that emphasize critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration and citizenship--the 5 C's.  Our schools have scheduled expos and exhibitions to showcase their students' work.  Carrollton Elementary just held their Heroes Hall of Fame, where their 3rd graders presented their research and stories about a hero in their life.  Their tagline was "Heroes don't Wear Capes".  The student work was shared with the public and students were available to discuss their project with those in attendance.  What a great opportunity for both the students and the adults!
In December, we have expos scheduled for Hardy Elementary, Smithfield High and Windsor High. Other schools will be hosting their exhibitions throughout second semester.  I encourage you to follow the calendar on our website.  The dates for all of these events have already been added to the calendar.

I've put together a video that shows the 5 C's in action since school started in September. I hope you will enjoy seeing the 5 C's for yourself.

Every Child, Every Day.

I See 5 C's  (video)