Friday, December 4, 2015

Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Johnson’s High Energy Classroom

As I visit classrooms throughout the year, I want to share some of the outstanding teaching I have observed and use my blog as a platform to highlight those teachers.  I have expressed the importance of focusing on engaging students, integrating technology into instruction, and creating relevant learning experiences.  As a division, we are also stressing the importance of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.   Recently I witnessed an excellent example of the four C’s when I stopped by Mr. Matt Johnson’s classroom at Westside Elementary School.

As I entered his room, students were standing in their seats and cheering loudly for each other-- definitely not something you see every day. I discovered that they were celebrating the success of the entire class on a recent assessment.  In addition, I had the opportunity to watch the attached video clip as he and his students participated in a “unique” review of the rivers of the United States.  Please watch the video clip of Mr. Johnson’s active classroom so you can experience the high-energy level he brings to his teaching.  It was obvious that the students were having fun while they were learning the material in this very active and positive environment.

I have been discussing the fact that we must change the way we teach students who are heavily involved with technology and have the world at their fingertips.  Mr. Johnson effectively uses collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking in his daily classroom activities and his students are thriving from the experience.

There are other teachers throughout the division who are routinely using the four C’s with their students as well.  I look forward to sharing these exceptional examples of classroom instruction with you that focus on what’s best for every child, every day.