Isle of
Wight County Schools’ vision is to create a learning environment that enables
every child to discover his or her unique gifts and talents. Our mission is to enhance and expand on each
child’s unique gifts and talents to ensure every child is college, career, and
life ready. I have attached several videos from the Virginia Department of
Education that explain the new accreditation proposals and the new initiatives
from the state. You will clearly see
that Isle of Wight County Schools is ahead of the curve and on the right path
for students. Our plan for deeper
learning in all classrooms, where students have opportunities to collaborate,
create, and communicate their ideas around relevant material is better
preparing our students for entering the future workplace. Our new Career and Technical Education
offerings will provide certifications and job opportunities right out of high
From the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE):
In November, the state Board of
Education will take final action on revisions to the Standards of Accreditation
that achieve two important policy directives of the Board and the General
Assembly: the implementation of the Profile of a Virginia Graduate and the
broadening of the Commonwealth’s school accreditation standards to include
multiple measures of school quality.
These revised standards for students
and schools are the result of more than three years of research, discussion,
review and public engagement by the Board and the Virginia Department of
The VDOE has prepared a series of videos
to explain these significant reforms. These videos are available for use by
school divisions in explaining these new standards for students and schools to
internal and external audiences. The four videos are arranged as a playlist on the VDOE YouTube channel
and may also be viewed individually.
and Overview — Superintendent of Public Instruction Steven R.
Staples provides a broad overview of the revised Standards of Accreditation.
Case for Reform — Diane Atkinson, Chairman of the Board of
Education’s Committee on School and Division Accountability, discusses the
policy background and development behind the Board’s revisions to the Standards
of Accreditation.
of a Virginia Graduate — Assistant Superintendent for Policy and
Communications Cynthia Cave discusses the development of the Profile of a
Virginia Graduate and the new graduation requirements that become effective
with students entering the ninth grade in fall 2018 (class of 2022).
Improvement for All Schools — Assistant Superintendent for Student
Assessment and School Improvement Shelley Loving-Ryder discusses how the
revised Standards of Accreditation encourage continuous improvement for all
schools, highlight achievement gaps, and recognize student growth.